Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Badger, Badger, Badger!

C: You need to learn how to skate so when the ice age comes, you can skate on top of it!

Me: What do you want for lunch?
D: I want....something like a square.

D: My stomach place for ice cream is un-full.

C: I told Dad some things I wanted for Xmas.... like my own Xbox account and my own house.

J was watching an episode of American Ninja Warrior and the commentators were talking and one said, "Can she do it?" and he chanted "You can do it!" at the TV.

Me: Mama needs to work, so you can go play screen time with JJ.
D: Are you going to work upstairs?
Me: No, I'll work down here so I can be with you.
D: Are JJ and me staying here?
Me: No, I think you can go to preschool after lunch.
D: No, it will be too cloudy.

D: I have a great idea!
Me: What is your great idea?
D: Tomorrow we're gonna go to Lake Chelan!
Me: And what are we going to do there?
D: Just eat.  We can have the cereal that just has the marshmallows!
Me: We're going all the way to Chelan just for breakfast?
D: We can just play on the playground, and do golf!
Me: Sounds nice!

(10/7) I worked from home today, and Dad had the boys.  Nanan came over to watch the kiddos so we could go see Titus this evening.  The show was awesome, as usual! This is the second time we've seen him live, and he is one of our top faves!

(10/8) C had a great game today!  His team's goalie faced 5 penalty shots, and stopped all but one. 15-0 Badgers, and +0 rating for C.  The twins started hockey today too, and got to practice with some of the Tips players.  I took them to the Children's Museum after practice and found the rest of Everett. We picked up movies for tonight and had a cozy night in.

(10/9) C was supposed to have an early game today, but was feeling off this morning, so we decided to hang at home. We had a pretty lazy day, and were sad to miss a family dinner with my siblings.  Next time, Gadget!

(10/10) Work day for Dad and me, but C was feeling horrible this morning so I kept him home.  I worked from home today, and know how fortunate I am to have a job that allows for that!  We obviously skipped hockey tonight, and had a quiet night in.

(10/11) Happy birthday twinadoes!!  They are five today!  Dad went in to work, but C was still feeling crummy, so I worked from home today so he could stay home.  I whipped up a cake, and Dad made us a fancy dinner on the barbecue to celebrate. This week is birthday extravaganza all week.  Should be fun!

(10/12) Work day for Dad, and I had the boys.  C was feeling well enough to head back to school today. I hope the bug is through with us!   We celebrated J's special day in class with lemon muffins, strawberries, and grapes.  Nanan came to preschool today with us to check out how things are done.  She is going to be replacing Dad for his classroom work day on Thursdays. She took us out for ice cream after school, and we properly spoiled our dinner.

(10/13) Work day for me, and Dad had the boys.  Today was D's special day in class.  D picked out lemon cookies and strawberries for his snack today.

(10/14) I took the day off today to go on a field trip with the twins to Stocker Farms.  We met Nanan in Snohomish for breakfast.  Shortly after we parked, D had the most horrendous bloody nose, and I could not find one single restaurant or bathroom open to get him cleaned up.  We eventually found a place and had breakfast.  The boys were antsy when they finished, so I took them to Stocker's, and left Nanan at the restaurant.  The field trip ended up being across 9, so we sped over there, and managed to catch an abbreviated corn maze jaunt.  It was absolutely pouring - even when we got on the covered wagon, the rain came in sideways.  The twins rode the barrels, and C and I hung out with the goats in the covered area for a bit.  It was just so gross out, that we got our pumpkins, and headed home for a big pot of hot chocolate.  Nanan unfortunately (?) couldn't find us, so she just headed back home.  I'm sure she was bummed to miss that wet adventure!

(10/15) We celebrated the twinsies at Chuck E Cheese today.  A huge storm was predicted to hit today, so it ended up being just us, Sarah's boys, and Nanan.  But the boys had a blast!  They got unlimited game time, and we sugared them all up.  Dad ended up taking C to a make up hockey practice this evening, but then we had Sarah's oldest come spend the night.  The power went off for a few hours, so we played cards around the flashlight, and made sure to polish off the eggnog... you know, just in case!

(10/16) Dad worked today, and I was off with the boys.  We all piled in the truck and headed out to get the twins a new bunk bed that a friend was selling.  It POURED, of course. I tarped and tied everything down, but drove the longer/slower way home, just in case.  We met Dad at home and he helped unload, break down the old bunk bed set and the assemble the new one upstairs.  That was quite a workout!  We discovered we were missing a couple of dowels, so weren't able to assemble the top bunk today, but did most of it.

(10/17) Work day for Dad and me, and school for the boys.  C had hockey tonight, so I met the guys at the rink, and brought the twins home.  I rearranged some furniture upstairs after the boys went to bed, and it inspired C to clean his room when he got home.  Hey, whatever it takes!

(10/18) Work day for Dad and me, and the boys had school.  Amanda said she was going to take the twins to the pumpkin patch, but they both refused - guess they used up all their fun on our field trip.

(10/19) Work for Dad, day off for me, and my workday in the twin's preschool.  We were all cranky and exhausted today, so I declared early bedtimes for everyone!

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