Thursday, October 6, 2016

Top Chef

Teacher: And what did you bring that's circular today?
J: A punk! (hockey puck)

Teenager: She's pretty much the best mom ever!
Me: Well, sometimes...
Teenager: Except when she's being a mom.
LOL, that's more like it!

Me: What are you doing, D?
J: Nothing!
Me: I was asking D.
J: This is D. J?? What are you doing?
Me: Goofball.

Me: Good morning! Time to get up!
D: Well, that's just rude!
Me: What?
D: The things that you were saying. I wanted to wake up in the morning.
Me: It is the morning.
D: I wanted to wake up when it isn't dark.

J: When I am 100, I will be Batman!

D (trying to mooch my dinner): Well, I'm hungry for stuff that are hot.

J: We're almost there, D! Mom, shut up!
Me: Hey, that's not very nice! 
J: That's what you say when someone says something stupid. 
Me: Stupid is not a very nice word either. 
J: I have something nice. You just say "What the hell!"
Me: .... well, we're home.  Everybody out.

D: I can just smell the yellow bag. The yellow bag of chips! 
The ones in my stomach? How did he know?!

D: I miss C, so I need to look at this picture! (a picture of me & D)

D: I put this picture on the window so I won't lock you out. (same picture)

(9/27) Work day for Dad & me and school for the boys.  We had a "disaster" day at work ~ we got re-certified for CPR, and talked about our safety plan.  It definitely inspired me to take a look at what we have at home and get organized.  The sale on our house was finalized today--FINALLY--so we went out to sushi to celebrate.  I took the little boys out for a bike ride this evening since it was so beautiful out, and Dad and C even joined us.

(9/28) Work day for Dad, and I had the boys. J came down and told me the rules for the slug bug game, and before long I discovered he had no idea what a slug bug was, and really was just enjoying the slugging part. Google to the rescue, and that settled that. We went to Zumba, and then came home and got the bikes out for a bit before preschool.  Dad and C had eye exams this evening so the littles and I stayed home and watched Ninja Warrior for the bazillionth time. J can tell me the names of the competitors now, and a bit about them.  I need to find a different episode.

(9/29) The twinsies had dental appointments today, so I worked from home until C left for school and then headed in.  Dad said the twins did great at their appointment! He went to preschool with them today. C had his fund run, which he said he won, completing something like 17 laps.  I forget how many make up a mile, but he consistently does well at this, and runs fast!  He had hockey tonight on tired legs, and somehow managed to lose his gloves at the practice before, which made Dad none too happy.

(9/30) Work from home day for me.  This afternoon was exceedingly frustrating because our site kept having issues.  Luckily I was home and could go do laundry and such between errors.  I went through C's closet today and weeded out all the too small stuff.  He's getting so tall ~ I had to check all his pants for high waters.

(10/1) I hit Zumba with the twinsies and then we picked up the teenager and her friend for the weekend.  We all went to C's game, which they won 10-5!  And then C went home with a friend to avoid the teenager invasion.  He missed out though--we went to sushi for dinner as a belated celebration of the teen's birthday.

(10/2) Lazy day for me and the kids. Dad had to work, but ended up coming home early when he lost access to all the tools necessary to do his job.  The teenagers got a ride home around midday, and C came home a little later. I took the twins out for a bike ride, but that's about all we did today.

(10/3) Work day for Dad and me, and school for the boys.  J was a disaster this morning - everything was RUDE! And he sobbed when I dropped him off.  He was totally fine later, but I suspect he's very tired from D's bedtime shenanigans as of late.  C had hockey this evening, so I met Dad at the rink and took the twins home.

(10/4) Work day for Dad and me, and school for the boys.  The twins got to go to Gymagine for playtime before school.  Lucky boys!  They made cookies in class, and looked absolutely adorable in their chef hats.  D told me all about what ingredients to use, and remembered everything.  I'm very impressed!  C got a new Nerf gun tonight, and spent the evening hunting the twins.  I just tried to stay out of the line of fire.

(10/5) Day off for me, school for the boys, and Dad worked. The twins had a great day.  JJ wore his chef hat around on our errands and to the gym this morning.  So stinkin' cute!  Dad and C went to a Silvertips game this evening (Tips won 3-1!), and the little boys and I watched some Teen Titans before heading up to bed.  An hour and half after I put them to bed, I had to go pull D out of J's bed and turn off their light.  Much wailing ensued. Because drama. Seriously child, go to bed!

(10/6) Work day for me, and Dad has the boys.  C has hockey tonight, so he and Dad will go to that, and I'll take the twinadoes to the gym.

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