Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Chasing Sunbeams

(4/1) The kids are on Spring Break this week. My work released some enhancements to the program I manage so I decided to work today and tomorrow and then take the rest of the week off.

(4/2) I worked the building today and had a day of meetings. But it ended in pizza, so I can't complain too much!

(4/3) I took the rest of the week off in an attempt to have a mini vacation. Sarah and I met for a walk this afternoon, thankfully right as the weather decided to clear up. Back at home, we still did our normal Wednesday WinCo run and Asian food fest as some things never change. I ended up doing a little work this afternoon because of course my program decided not to play nicely while I was away.

(4/4) A girl could get used to this vacation thing! I slept in, read my book, and hung out with the pups today. Chef's kiss.

(4/5) I slept in this morning and did a whole lot of not much. I went to Costco for some goodies for tomorrow and also picked up some of the boys' favorites, which I had intended for next Wednesday. Yeaaaah, they're not going to last that long. D busted into the lumpia and J broke right into the chicken bakes before they even made it to the freezer.

(4/6) We invited Nanan for brunch to celebrate her birthday. She ended up hanging out for the day and joined us for dinner.

(4/7) We wrapped up Spring Break today. Womp womp. I slept in and bummed around until the sun came out. I got the lawn mowed and did some work in the back yard. Dad made us Dutch babies for dinner and spoiled us with ice cream for dessert.

(4/8) Back to it for the boys and me today. Sarah and I met to walk before work and it was light out once we were done with our loop! I worked from home today and the boys all survived being back.

(4/9) I worked in the building today and the boys had school. Dad had an interview that sounds promising, and hopefully we'll hear something soon. Work threw a happy hour for my boss' birthday and we all gathered for wine and snax, which was a lovely way to end the day.

(4/10) I had the day off and after the boys left, I held down the couch and spent some quality time with my book. My phone kept telling me it was raining, but every time I looked outside, it got brighter and brighter. I decided to go for it and scored a completely dry walk. I cooked up our Asian food this afternoon and D and I did the WinCo run to stock him back up on root beer barrels.

(4/11) I worked in the building today and they were using a huge crane to fix the building's air-conditioning system. I kept seeing its shadow out of the corner of my eye as it was working and it was quite the source of entertainment today!

(4/12) My walking buddy is out of town, so I slept in until about ten minutes before work. I got the boys off to school and then went upstairs to work. I started a new book series in the background and the day flew by.

(4/13) D came down and said, "Wouldn't it be nice to have a platter of homemade guacamole, blue corn chips, and black beans for lunch?" So obviously, we had to run out and grab the supplies to do just that. Dad and I took the Mustang out to play in the sunshine this afternoon and we drove to Woodinville for a couple of wine tastings. At one of our favorites, they were doing a Girl Scout cookie and wine pairing, some of which were really amazing!

(4/14) We had a lazy Sunday, all doing our own things. I read my book and then went for a walk in the sunshine. I had book club this afternoon with a couple of the regulars. We chatted books, caught up with what everyone was reading and then signed off. Dad made gyros tonight and they were a huge hit. And we topped off the evening by enjoying bevvies on the porch. D brought out his popcorn and water bottle and sat with us.

(4/15) I worked from home today and the boys had school. Thankfully it was a quiet day and I got to spend lots of QT with my audiobook.

(4/16) I worked in the building and the boys had school today. We had tickets to see Steve Hofstetter this evening. His set was great, particularly the bit on anxiety. Probably the best analogy I've heard.

(4/17) I met Nanan for breakfast this morning and helped her sort through a box of paperwork. We wrapped it up several hours later not done per se, but at least at a stopping point. I ran home to cook up Weds' foodfest for the kiddos. S&S stopped by with W this afternoon and we caught up with them.

(4/18) I worked in the building today and the kiddos had school. Dad whipped up a full turkey dinner, which made the house smell so good! I'm already looking forward to leftovers tomorrow!

(4/19) I took the morning off and went up to help Nanan with her taxes (better late than never?). Digital documents are confusing for someone that is used to everything arriving through the mail. Fortunately, it all looked pretty straight forward and we got her paperwork in with a preparer. I worked from home for the rest of the afternoon and was so glad it was quiet because my brain had checked out early.

(4/20) It was gorgeous out today! I had a few errands to run and may have let a few plants slide into my cart. I planted the rest of my hoarded begonia bulbs and was pleased to see some sprouts in the planter I set up a few weeks ago. Grow babies grow! We had tickets to see Trae Crowder tonight and ended up sitting next to the same couple that we met on Tuesday when we went to see Steve Hofstetter. So funny! We exchanged info so hopefully we can meet up at a future show!

(4/21) We all had a relaxing Sunday. I took a walk in the sunshine, did some yard work, mowed the lawn, and read my book. 

(4/22) I worked from home today and the boys were off at school. I joined this psychological thrillers book group and have been binging John Marrs lately. I had my book on in the background all day, finished, and then started another. 

(4/23) Meeting Tuesday sure lived up to its name with a slew of back-to-back meetings. It's nice that we're all in for days like this, but my social battery is about fried by the end.

(4/24) I had the day off today and the kiddos had school today. After school, we did the WinCo run and cooked up Asian food for dinner. We put on Robin Hood: Men in Tights as our emotional support background noise and J joined us. He loves Mel Brooks' movies.

(4/25) I was back in the building today and the boys had school. We took my car in for some diagnostics and C is excited to do some of the repairs in his auto shop class.

(4/26) I worked at home this morning and then went to grab J for his orthodontist appointment. We picked up lunch for the boys on the way home as chicken tenders of healing were required. Dad ran out to Red Rock Subs for our lunch (waaaaay better than chicken tenders. Sorry not sorry, J!).

(4/27) We had a mostly quiet Saturday until this evening when we got word that S' grandma was in the hospital. Dad gave her a ride up to visit. Super scary.

(4/28) I couldn't stand it and went to grab hanging basket fillers for the porch. When I was all done, I saw there was a frost advisory for my area. Doh! Things will just have to deal, I say. We got word that S' grandma was doing better today and that she was able to visit again. Hopefully she'll get to come home soon! D and I worked on his argumentative essay this evening. To no one's surprise, he is also team no homework. He threw me under the bus when it came to parents not wanting to help their children with their homework in favor of watching The Rachel Maddow Show exactly at 6pm PST. LOL!

(4/29) It was gross out this morning so Sarah and I bailed on our walk. Good thing since I keep waking up at 4am to think about ALL THE THINGS and then not being able to go back to sleep. Double ugh. Fortunately, it was a work from home day so the commute is short and I was able to squeeze in a few extra minutes.

(4/30) I worked in the building today and the kiddos had school. I can't believe it's already the end of April. It's gonna be May!

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