Saturday, June 1, 2024

Are We There Yet?

(5/1) I had the day off and the kiddos had school. I went for a walk and then did some yard work in the sunshine. My favorite! Then I did the pre-WinCo shop (to grab yakisoba noodles) before the traditional WinCo run with the kiddos after they got back from school.

(5/2) I worked in the building and the kiddos had school. S found new housing up north and Dad helped transport a load of her stuff up ~ we're so excited for her!

(5/3) Today was a work from home day for me and the boys had school. We were ever so glad to have made it to Friday. Shew!

(5/4) May the Fourth Be With You! We went up to visit my brother's fam and Amber made us Boba Fett-uccini in honor of Star Wars Day. We recently purchased the nerd bundle for Cards Against Humanity and after dinner we shared lots of laughs and got our nerd on.

(5/5) Happy Cinco de Mayo! I tried to speed-listen to our book club selection again before our meeting this afternoon because the first time through I just couldn't get into it and missed so much. I got maybe half way, chatted with the group, and ended up with a better opinion of it after paying more attention the second time through. Dad cooked up a feast for us this evening which we enjoyed with margaritas.

(5/6) I worked from home today and the kiddos had school. J sure was in a foul mood about the existence of Mondays this morning. I hear ya, kid! 31 days left! (Not that anyone is counting!)

(5/7) I worked in the building today and the kiddos had school. Dad ran another load of S' stuff that we've been storing up to her and took her out for lunch. They also got her permit renewed since there wasn't too long of wait. Oh the adventures in adulting.

(5/8) Since there will be a whole lot of construction blocking every direction this weekend, I proposed a day of yard work and dump runs up at Nanan's for an early Mother's Day. I mowed and weed-whacked and we broke for lunch when I needed to let the battery charge and I ran a load to the dump before heading home. While I didn't make it home in time to cook up the Chinese food, I was there for the WinCo run so D forgave my absence.

(5/9) Sarah and I got in a sunny walk before I headed in to the office. Thursdays are generally quiet for me and that was the case today. It was a good thing too because my brain may have clocked out early. 

(5/10) It was totally gorgeous out today! After a pretty walk, I worked at home for a little bit and then ran J to the orthodontist for a broken bracket. I managed to drop him at school before the tardy bell and then came home to continue working. Dad took C & D to doctor appointments this afternoon. Something for everyone!

(5/11) Hubs and I took the Mustang out for a date day. We decided to stay local because all routes everywhere are clogged for either construction or the president being in town. We stopped first for lunch at Poké Boy and then went to James Bay for a tasting. We then meandered over to a nursery and I picked up some more creeping thyme for our front strip.

(5/12) Happy Mother's Day! I played in the dirt today and got all my plants in the ground. I also got the lawn mowed and whacked and everything should look good for hot minute.

(5/13) I'm taking some time off this week and extended my weekend through Wednesday. I got up and saw the boys off to school and then sat back down to have my coffee in peace. I did a whole lot of nothing today and it was just what the doctor ordered. 

(5/14) After the boys went to school, I bummed around until it was time to meet Nanan for her doctor's appointment. Nanan texted this evening to let us know the Westminster Dog Show was on, so we turned it on for our TV-loving pup. River roo'd at all the dogs.

(5/15) I got to take a walk in the sunshine this morning and then ran errands. Once the boys came home, I cooked up their food. I ended up making a solo run to WinCo due to an earlier skirmish between the boys that left me with a very sad D and a bad case of mom guilt this evening. Bleh.

(5/16) I worked in the building today and the boys had school. Traffic was awful tonight due to a road rage incident which closed the freeway. C got caught in that mess and spent four hours trying to get to work before coming home.

(5/17) I worked from home today. I spent the morning in Mama Bear mode arguing with D's school. A little communication would've gone a long way, but that would've made things too easy. So much stress for nothing.

(5/18) I'm taking care of Sarah's animals this weekend and made multiple trips over to her house to let her senior doggo out. We turned the horsies on for River this afternoon and watched the lead-up to the Preakness. Seize the Gray is one beautiful animal!

(5/19) In between treks over to take care of the critters, I ran out and picked up potting soil to refresh the big flower beds in the back yard. I cleared out the last of the tulips and other early spring growth and got everything weeded. It looks so nice! I scored a six-pack of creeping thyme that happened to be in the clearance area so I used that to fill in some holes up front. I also finished two books. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday!

(5/20) Monday, Monday... Sarah and I skipped our morning walk and I attempted to sleep in, but that didn't happen. Instead I made myself a bucket of coffee and settled in to work from home after the boys went to school. We dealt with more school stuff (so over it!) and though I'm not particularly thrilled with the outcome, I think this particular issue is over.

(5/21) I worked in the building today and the boys had school. I ducked out a little early so we could meet my folks for dinner. We had some delicious food and great conversation as always. So nice to see them!

(5/22) I had the day off today and bummed around the house for the morning. It was soggy out, so I decided on a treadmill walk with my book. WinCo had their smores supplies out as impulse items on our run today. I'm not sure when we'll get to use them, but D is ready!

(5/23) My walking buddy is out of town, so I slept in a little before getting up and going into the office. We picked tonight for smores since it was the warmest evening out of the week. It was a little chilly out by the fire, but we enjoyed it all the same.

(5/24) I worked from home today and the boys had school. After school Dad and our friends helped C move his new project truck up to Rob's where he can work on it. The kid is his father's son! I may be a teensie bit glad that we don't have more room for project cars here. 

(5/25) I went up to Nanan's this morning to see if I could fix her cable for her. I was hoping for a quick fix, but it ended up being a little more involved. Thankfully I was able to fix it after running to town to switch out her cable card and got to cancel the tech appointment for the end of next week. That would've been a long time without TV!

(5/26) We had my brother's family over for lunch and cards this afternoon. We always have such a fun time with them! Dad put out quite the spread and I'm already excited about leftovers! 

(5/27) Memorial Day. I slept in this morning and spent a lot of quality time with my books, both audio and Kindle. I think I finished four books over the last few days? Definitely my kind of weekend!

(5/28) Meeting Tuesday had me working in the building and busy all day. Dad ran over to the Tri-Cities to meet up with his dad, Cherissa, and some east coast family. Cherissa sent home a care package for the rest of us and D will be thrilled that ribs were on the menu!

(5/29) I had the day off today. After the kiddos went off to school, I had a medical appointment that ran so long that I treated myself to lunch after. When the boys got home, we cooked up the requisite Chinese food and then went to WinCo. After that, we took my car in for service. Adulting is so fun.

(5/30) There was a beautiful rainbow on our walk this morning. It made the drizzle (that my weather app said wasn't happening) rather innocuous. My office is on summer schedule so I got to work from home today. The verdict in the Trump trial dominated my afternoon and evening news viewing (FINALLY). I eventually heard enough analysis and turned on one of our comedy podcasts. 

(5/31) TGIF! I worked at home today and the kiddos had school. J had an orthodontist appointment this afternoon--so not his favorite, but he got some mac & cheese of rejuvenation after so I've been forgiven for the moment.

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