Monday, July 1, 2024

Bloomin' June

(6/1) I got to sleep in a little this morning, which was lovely. I ran to Lowe's to pick up more dirt and then tidied the front strip. The bumbles were very busy! I'm glad they are enjoying the thyme!

(6/2) We had a lazy day today and I had my nose in a book for most of it. I'm glad I got the yard work done yesterday because it sure was gross out.

(6/3) I worked from home today and the boys had school. There was an issue with S' housing and she'll be relocated to Everett for the next few weeks. What a pain! On the bright side she's now close by and will have a much shorter commute to work.

(6/4) I worked in the building today and the boys had school. The school called with D on speaker and we strategized some ways to get through the next few school days. Transitions are rough and this year is no different. Hang in there, buddy!

(6/5) I had the day off today and the kiddos had school. The boys talked me into grabbing sushi for their Wednesday meal. And of course we still had to go to WinCo afterward too. Dad and S got in some driving practice since there were some things she needed to take care of up north. Maybe, maybe we'll have another licensed driver in the family in the near future?

(6/6) Yay, the sun has returned and Sarah and I got in a walk before work. I worked from home and the boys had school.

(6/7) I worked from home today and the kiddos had school. Dad pulled out all the stops tonight and made us breakfast for dinner. The eggs Benedict were amazing! I'm pretty sure the whipped cream was gone by the end of the night too. I kept hearing the boys stop by the fridge for another mouthful.

(6/8) I got to sleep in a little and then Sarah and I went for a coffee walk in the sunshine. I'm grateful for our problem-solving vent sessions!

(6/9) It was beautiful out this morning! I went to a celebration of life for a friend and former coworker this afternoon and it was the perfect day for it. It was wonderful to hear everyone's stories and we shared some laughs amongst the tears. A group of us gathered afterward to raise another glass. Gone way too soon.

(6/10) Back to it today. The boys had school and I worked from home. I had J's IEP meeting this afternoon. He has made steady progress over the last few years. He still qualifies for services so we tweaked his current plan and will keep on keeping on.

(6/11) I worked in the building today and the kiddos had school. I had a relatively light meeting day, which was refreshing and a bit weird.

(6/12) I had the day off today and was out working in the yard right after the kiddos left for school. It was so pretty out! Nanan had a meeting in town this afternoon. I was worried that she wouldn't make it because they had completely shut down the freeway and she didn't have her cell phone so there was no way I could get in touch with her. Fortunately the freeway opened up and we made it within minutes of our appointment time.

(6/13) Sarah and I met for a sunny walk this morning. I worked from home and the boys had school. They're almost at the finish line for school ~ just a partial week left! Dad took S to get her license and she is now loose on the road! Woohoo!

(6/14) I worked from home and the boys had a half day at school. Dad and I went to an early bird dinner at Emory's to celebrate Father's Day (why yes, we did leave the children at home to celebrate Father's Day!). The crème brûlée was on point!

(6/15) It was a stormy day here which translated to an epic lazy day for me. Dad and C did a car roulette so C & S will now have new rides.

(6/16) Happy Father's Day! We had a pretty chill day here. Dad and I did some yard work and we caught up on our Sunday shows. Dad made Dutch babies for dinner, which were amazing as always.

(6/17) I worked from home today and the kiddos are on their last week of school. J was convinced that you don't have to bring your backpack on the last week of school and unceremoniously dumped all his books on the arm chair and then was just going to carry his Chromebook and cords to school. In the rain. I reminded him that backpacks are for protecting your Chromebook from the rain and he grumpily stuffed it in and went to school. They're so over this school year.

(6/18) The boys made it through another school year! We now have a senior 😳 and a pair of seventh graders. They technically get out Thursday but due to shenanigans beyond their control, I'm just going to call them out sick on Thursday.

(6/19) Juneteenth. Everyone slept in this morning and it was just me and pups up for several hours before I heard anyone stirring. I ran up and met Nanan this morning to help her with some paperwork. D and I did the WinCo shop when I got back and we picked up grilling stuffs for dinner.

(6/20) I had today off and went up to mow Nanan's lawn this morning. Dad got the boys East Coast Enzo's pizza for their "you survived the school year" celebration and managed to save me a couple of slices. I went out to water my plants last night a surprised a mama Junco that decided to nest right in the hose hangout. It's a great spot, but she's gonna have to deal with me borrowing the hose!

(6/21) I worked from home today. Sarah and I went for a toasty walk at lunch time and grabbed granitas en route. Iced coffees make a hot day less hot. It's a fact. All three of my boys have colds and are barking. What a sucky way to start off summer.

(6/22) I slept in this morning and we all spent the day hanging out at home. I weeded and pruned the roses out front and mowed the lawn. We watched the Minions movie tonight with J. Toffee got very excited at all the mentions of BANANAS!

(6/23) Most of us bummed around the house for the day. Once I finished my book, I put another on audio and went out to finish weeding the front yard. I also harvested the honeyberries, which are still just as tart as ever! We had planned to have my brother's family over for fondue tonight, but with sick kiddos, we opted to still have the fondue, but keep our germs to ourselves. Yummo!

(6/24) I met Sarah for a walk before work and then came home to start my day. We watched the Stanley Cup tonight and had fondue again for dessert. D really would've preferred breakfast fondue but we managed to hold him off. Dad and J watched another funny movie tonight. I kept falling asleep so wandered up early to read.

(6/25) I worked in the building today and had a pretty light day of meetings. J has been into watching movies with us at night and we turned on a favorite: Hot Shots Part Deux. We got distracted part way through so we'll have to finish it tomorrow. I love that he loves watching movies with us!

(6/26) Today was my day off and I got some much needed extra sleep. I came down to a fully dressed D who was disappointed to hear that I was leaving to go up to Nanan's and wouldn't be home until this afternoon. We squeezed in our WinCo trip before I headed up. It was a good thing too because I didn't make it back until almost 6pm! Long, but productive day.

(6/27) I worked from home today. It was yucky out, so it was a stay home kind of day for most of us. Dad and C trekked out to RE-PC to recycle a bunch of our old electronics and that was their excitement for the day. We watched the presidential debate (? if that's what you want to call it) tonight. Double, triple UGH.

(6/28) Sarah and I met for a walk before I settled in to work from home for the day. We watched Ghostbusters with J tonight. It wasn't quite as silly of a movie as he was hoping, but he seemed to enjoy it.

(6/29) We had such a lovely day. We started the day at a wine release party at Category 5 in Woodinville. We chatted with the people at our table and enjoyed all the pairings. Since it was such a nice day, we went for a drive and ended up in Snohomish where we got a piescream. Yum! On our way out of town, we drove by the chapel where we were married just a month shy of 23 years ago. Then we went and checked out The Muse Whiskey and Coffee bar in Everett. It's a beautiful building and we admired all the old photos.

(6/30) We drove up for our grandson's second birthday party this afternoon. S put together a lovely party! Time can slow down already! How is he two?!

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